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    IDA935 绝对测量数显充电万分表
    在线咨询 立即购买

    * 绝对式容栅测量系统
    * IP54防护等级
    * 带SPC数据输出(内置无线传输机型,SPC输出端口仅作为外部电源供电输入端口)
    * 内置无线传输(可选择)
    * 可在任意位置设置绝对原点
    * 可设置公差,并进行GO(绿光)/NG(红光)判断
    * 可设置“+”“-”显示方向
    * 分辨率:0.0005mm/0.001mm转换
    * 超大屏幕显示
    * Type-C充电

    * Absolute capacitive measurement system
    * IP54 Protection grade
    * SPC data output(To built in wireless transmission model, the SPC output port is only used as external power input port)
    * Built in wireless transmission (optional)
    * Absolute origin set at any position
    * Tolerance preset and GO(Green light)/NG(Red light) judgement
    * “+” or “-” direction set
    * Resolution: 0.0005mm/0.001mm convert
    * Large screen display
    * Recharge by Type-C